
Showing posts from September, 2021

Quarter 1, Week 3 - Understanding Conditionals Part 1

Conditional was our topic for week 3. Grade 9 English. We also do  spelling, and I had a difficult time with the other words  because the other word was just new to me. It's really  easy to catch up with the lesson. I don't find the activities or tasks hard. I've learned that conditionals are statements expressing the result of a particular condition. If-clause and  when-claus e  present the condition while the main clause explains the results. Conditionals may appear in both affirmative and negative structures.  I also learn that we have 4 types and use of conditional which is Zero conditional, First conditional, Second conditional and lastly Third conditional.   I don't find our lesson difficult this time.   The highlight of our topic, I guess all of it, because every information about it is important.                                                    " Present's Choice: Past or Future ?" If I could go back to the past, I would go back to the time wh

Quarter 1,Week 2-Learning Modals Part 2

"Modals" was our first topic in English 9 Quarter 1,At first its kind a confusing but when our teacher explain it well and give some example. I   immediately understood it and it was easy to catch up.  All I can say about the activities or task, It's easy at the same time confusing because I need to analyze the sentence to get the correct answer and modals that I will use.  I learned that modals are auxiliary or helping verbs. They may be used in expressing permission, obligation and prohibition. I found it difficult at first but there are some examples at the powerpoint and  our teacher explained it so it's not difficult if you just listen. The highlight of the topic is the word "Polite"                                                                    Cooking with Mama Mona:What are you gonna cook mom? Mother:It’s adobo sweetheart..It’s a Filipino cuisine. Mona:Can I help you mom? Mother:Of course Mona,I’m glad Mona:What should we do first mom?Should I

Quarter 1,Week 1-Learning Modals Part 1

  Modals "Modals" was our first topic in English 9 Quarter 1,At first its kind a confusing but when our teacher explain it well and give some example. I   immediately understood it and it was easy to catch up.  All I can say about the activities or task, It's easy at the same time confusing because I need to analyze the sentence to get the correct answer and modals that I will use.  I learned that modals are auxiliary or helping verbs. They may be used in expressing permission, obligation and prohibition. I found it difficult at first but there are some examples at the powerpoint and  our teacher explained it so it's not difficult if you just listen. The highlight of the topic is the word "Polite" Safety protocols