Quarter 1,Week 2-Learning Modals Part 2

"Modals" was our first topic in English 9 Quarter 1,At first its kind a confusing but when our teacher explain it well and give some example. I immediately understood it and it was easy to catch up. All I can say about the activities or task, It's easy at the same time confusing because I need to analyze the sentence to get the correct answer and modals that I will use. 

I learned that modals are auxiliary or helping verbs. They may be used in expressing permission, obligation and prohibition. I found it difficult at first but there are some examples at the powerpoint and  our teacher explained it so it's not difficult if you just listen. The highlight of the topic is the word "Polite"

                                                                   Cooking with Mama

Mona:What are you gonna cook mom?

Mother:It’s adobo sweetheart..It’s a Filipino cuisine.

Mona:Can I help you mom?

Mother:Of course Mona,I’m glad

Mona:What should we do first mom?Should I cut these onions and garlic for you?

Mother:No,I should cut the onions.Your eyes might burn and start to cry 

Mona:No problem mom

Mother:You must be careful with the knife honey


Mother:Ok,First we should we should combine chicken,garlic,vinegar,water and bay leaf in the pot.Cover and simmer for 5 minutes.Strain and set aside

Second we have to sauté garlic in oil until it turn golden brown.Pour cooking liquid and simmer is thick and coating the chicken.

Mother:All we need to do is wait.

Mona: Can I taste it mom after you cook?

Mother: Yes you may, after we cook this you should need to taste it first so we can add some ingredients if it’s good or not.


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